Teach and Reach a Collaborative Approach Towards Road Safety in India

In the twenty-first century, road accidents are a major source of concern for society, with the rate of “accidental deaths” per lakh people falling to 27.7 in 2020, down from 31.4 the previous year.
According to the NCRB, which is part of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, India had 3,54,796 road accident cases in 2020, with 1,33,201 people killed and 3,35,201 injured.
A lot of measures have been taken by the government to protect the citizens from road accidents and save their life.
These measures include the formulation of a number of enforcement measures and strict fine for the violation of the traffic rules but rather than working on the ground at the grass root level the more emphasis is being given on the level of the formation of laws and enforcement measures.
The problem here is that the people are less aware of the laws and therefore violate them more often. The concept of 4E’s has been formulated by the government to promote the road safety in India where the E’s stand for Education, Enforcement, Engineering and Emergency Care.
Out of all these 4 E’s I believe that the education is the most important one because we can only overcome this menace by educating the people.
The goal of road safety education, training, and encouragement is to teach all road users how to use roads properly and safely in order to modify user attitudes and behaviour and raise awareness of the need for improvement.
To assist reduce and prevent traffic collisions, road users must adjust their behaviour. This can be achieved in part through education, training, publicity, and promotion programmes.
Because the number of people exposed will be a small proportion of overall road users, the immediate impact of education on crash reduction is usually limited.
It is intended that over time, persistent road safety instruction and encouragement would result in significant behavioral changes (from the cradle to the grave), resulting in a reduction in the number of collisions and casualties.